The Best Gann-Based Software on the Market Today

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  • Best-in-class Gann charts and indicators
  • Intuitive interface to simplify your process
  • Expert in-house support team
  • Modern software under continuous development
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GannTrader is an add-on to Optuma’s powerful software. When you sign-up for GannTrader you automatically get set up with an Optuma Trader Services account with all the charts and tools that come in Optuma’s base package.

Kyle Crystal profile picture

Technicals are all about visualizing data and Optuma clearly has the most advanced graphics of all technical platforms. The use of “layers” allows a user to organize and manipulate data in ways that are impossible with other software programs. I use this product every day to help manage various portfolios and I encourage everyone to try it out.

– Kyle Crystal, CMT / Portfolio Manager, Crystal Capital Advisors, LLC