Experience Modern Financial Astrology Software

Start your two-week trial of GannTrader today and experience the best financial astrology software available

  • Best-in-class astrology charts and indicators
  • Intuitive interface to simplify your process
  • Expert in-house support team
  • Modern software under continuous development
WebAstro Trial Form

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There are many reasons support for Optuma may not be available in your region. This includes issues with tax-collection, limits with financial transactions, export fees, and even laws against exporting of software technology.

We are constantly working on expanding our reach into new areas around the globe. If you would like to be contacted when we are able to provide a trial to your region, please enter your details below.

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While the GannTrader trial is free, a credit card is required. A pre-authorisation of $1 is made against the card as a form of identity verification. No further automatic charges are made once the trial expires unless you opt to purchase or subscribe.

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GannTrader is an add-on to Optuma’s powerful software. When you sign-up for GannTrader you automatically get set up with an Optuma Trader Services account with all the charts and tools that come in Optuma’s base package.

Financial Astrology Has Never Been Easier

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Unlimited Charts & Indicators

Use as many charts, tools, alerts on a page as you want. GannTrader does not put limits on your analysis like other platforms.

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Expert Support Team

Tired of not getting the help you deserve? GannTrader's support team is second to none, always giving you the help you deserve.

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Built by Industry Professionals

Be confident in the tools you use. GannTrader is built by professionals and used by industry leaders and educators.

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Modern, Easy-to-Read Charts

Clean, easy-to-read Financial Astrology charts built on modern and professional software so you can easily see new opportunities.

Alan Oliver from Trading Phrophets

In our modern society, blessed to have computers and easily accessible data, Optuma has led the way with a remarkable platform for traders to assemble and interpret these fabulous tools. Whenever I see a Gann fan angle or a Planetary angle creating support and resistance in our modern volatile markets it is an exceptional opportunity. We can correctly measure the value of these tools in Optuma in literally seconds. The original masters would have had to take weeks or even months to replicate these signals and calculations.

– Alan Oliver, Author & Educator, Trading Prophets

See GannTrader in Action

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